Introducing LEGION’S New Plastic-Free Vape Cartridge Packaging
Being a Sustainable Company is a Choice
At LEGION, we are on a mission to becoming a more sustainable cannabis company every day, from our environmental give back program to doing the little things that add up to make us a more responsible company. For us, this is a journey, not a destination, and making the right choices to lower our environmental footprint is something we take very seriously.
We made the commitment to be plastic-free with all of our Legion of Bloom vape packaging by 2020, and we just made that promise to you and ourselves a reality!
We are very proud to introduce our NEW Leaf Locker Plastic Free Packaging for our Monarch and California Sauce Cartridge lines.
Produced by All Pack, the same company that produces our Plastic Free Pax Pod Packaging - you can read more about that HERE.
The innovative design incorporates a child-resistant mechanism right into the box, there is no need for a plastic tube eliminating the single-use plastic from our packaging.
This updated version is also easier to open by simply breaking the tamper seal on the top, pushing the button on the back while holding the bottom near the edges, and pulling the tab at the top.
We chose to work with Allpack because they are committed to producing stylish, sustainable packaging as part of their company mission.
They Produce locally in the USA, so we get to support the local economy instead of supporting China's.
They source all FSC certified paper stock, so we know that we are using certified sustainable materials in our packaging.
They manufacture in a facility that uses wind energy to power their operation. Using renewable energy is a huge plus because fewer greenhouse gasses end up in the atmosphere.
At LEGION, we strive to make decisions that have a lasting impact for the planet. Our choice to remove the plastic from our packaging and work with a sustainably minded US-based manufacturer is one more step in the right direction to help make Cannabis Green again.
Thanks for joining us on this journey.
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